Lithuanian Peasant and Greens Union

  Lithuanian Peasant and Greens Union

The Lithuanian Peasant and Greens Union (Lithuanian: Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga, LVŽS; formerly Lithuanian Peasant Popular Union, Lithuanian: Lietuvos valstiečių liaudininkų sąjunga, LVLS) is an Agrarian political party in Lithuania led by industrial farmer Ramūnas Karbauskis.


In February 2006, the Peasants and New Democratic Party Union led by Lithuanian politician Kazimiera Prunskienė chose to rename itself after the pre-war Lithuanian Popular Peasants' Union. It had previously been known as "Valstiečių ir Naujosios demokratijos partijų sąjunga", or VNDS, which translates to the "Peasants and New Democratic Party Union" or "Union of Peasants and New Democratic Parties". This name stemmed from its origin as an electoral alliance between the Lithuanian Peasants Party (Lietuvos valstiečių partija) and the New Democratic Party (Naujosios demokratijos partija), which merged to form the Lithuanian Peasant Popular Union.

It changed its name to Lithuanian Peasant and Greens Union in January 2012.

Electoral results

In the 2004 European Parliamentary Elections, the party gained 7.4% of the vote and won one MEP, who joined the Union for Europe of the Nations group.

Its candidate Kazimiera Prunskienė gained 21.4% of the vote in the first round and 47.4% in the second round in the presidential elections of 13 June 2004. At the legislative elections on 10 October 2004, the party won 6.6% of the popular vote and 10 out of 141 seats.

In the legislative elections of 2008, the party experienced heavy losses, retaining only 3 out of its previous 10 seats in the Seimas and 3.74% of the national vote, continuing the party's tenure in opposition.

In the 2009 European parliament election the party got a mere 1.82% and lost its representation.

In the 2012 Lithuanian parliamentary election the party got 3.88% of popular vote while losing two more MP's compared to last election, being represented by sole party member in main Lithuanian legislative body.

In the 2014 European parliament election the party secured 1 seat in the parliament gaining 6.25% of national vote. After the election party announced considering joining the European People's Party (EPP) group. However, the MEP, Bronis Ropė, instead joined The Greens–European Free Alliance (Greens/EFA).

In the 2016 Seimas election. The party came up from 1 seat to 54 seats in the parliament. They came in first place and have formed a coalition with the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania.


2001–2006: Peasants and New Democratic Party Union or Union of Peasants and New Democratic Parties
2006–2012: Lithuanian Peasant Popular Union
2012–present: Lithuanian Peasant and Greens Union


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